Creating a Calorie Deficit for Optimal Weight Loss

How do I create a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit is when you consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. By reducing the regular amount of calories you eat on a daily basis, it is proven that you will begin to lose weight. The best recommendations to create this deficit includes a combination of a modified diet and regular exercise, which will not only lead to weight loss, but also a healthy lifestyle. A recommended healthy calorie deficit of up to 500 calories a day. To calculate how many calories you should be consuming in a day, multiply your weight by 15. To maintain a caloric deficit, keep your calories consumed under that calculated number. Average calories a day for women are between 1,200-1,500 and average calories a day for men are between 1,500-1,800.

Diet Changes for a Calorie Deficit

It is important for your health that you are eating a well-balanced diet. This diet should include the following foods: non-starchy vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meats, whole grains, healthy fats, low-fat dairy products, and seeds/nuts. It is important to eat plenty of fiber rich foods and quality sources of protein at each meal. Also try to avoid processed foods, refined carbs, added sugars, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and fried foods.

Some tips to alter your diet to create a calorie deficit include:

  • Replacing sweetened beverages with water reduces calories

  • Add more protein into each meal keeps you feeling fuller longer

  • Eating smaller portions maintains low calorie consumption

  • Meal planning reduces excess and unhealthy eating

  • Avoid processed foods, as they are typically high in calories and bad for overall health

Exercise Changes for a Calorie Deficit

It is important to incorporate both diet and exercise changes, as only altering one will not lead to best results. Exercise helps create a caloric deficit by increasing the number of calories you body burns. Any sort of exercise is beneficial, but moderate to hard exercise is most beneficial. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise and two sessions of strength training per week. Some exercises that can help maintain a caloric deficit include: cardio and strength training, fitness classes, getting 10,000 steps daily, biking, hiking, or playing sports. If you are unable to commit to a sustained period of exercise with your day-to-day schedule, take 10 minute breaks to stay active throughout the day such as taking a walk. Whatever you decide to do, it is important that you are increasing your activity levels from what they originally were.

Too Much of a Calorie Deficit

It is important to note that creating a calorie deficit that is too extreme can cause the body to hold onto tissue in an effort to conserve fuel. Some symptoms of being too much in a caloric deficit include: low energy levels, rapid weight loss, hair loss, mood swings, constipation, feeling cold, and more. Cutting too many calories can cause you to not get the daily nutrients, which can cause health problems. You should only be cutting your calories by about 500 a day and not losing more than two pounds a week.

It is important to talk with a healthcare professional about your calorie deficit and calculate what an effective and healthy calorie deficit for you would be. Remember that each person is different and it is vital to do what is best for your body.

Weight Loss with Core Aesthetic

With the Core Weight Loss Program, we walk you through calorie deficit, exercise, diet, and more to help you achieve your goals while maintaining your health! The entire weight loss package includes weight loss injectables, diet plans, exercise, plans, extra boosting injections, toning sessions, and more. Become a member through our app and sign up for our weight loss program to begin your journey to weight loss and wellness today! Sign up for a weight loss consultation for more information on our weight loss membership or to find out if our program is right for you!


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