Prioritize your feminine wellness

Restore confidence with vaginal rejuvenation for intimate concerns.

Discover a revolutionary approach to feminine wellness with EmpowerRF, featuring the powerful trio of FormaV, vTone, and Morpheus8V! Crafted for women desiring a non-invasive solution for their most personal health needs, this advanced treatment combines radiofrequency energy, electromagnetic stimulation, and microneedling technology. Together, they work to strengthen the pelvic floor, rejuvenate vaginal tissues, enhance tightness, alleviate dryness, & so much more. Achieve remarkable results with 3 to 6 weekly sessions, all while enjoying minimal disruption to your daily routine.

Choosing your champion for vaginal wellness: the synergistic trio of FormaV, vTone, and Morpheus8V technologies

Navigating the world of vaginal rejuvenation can seem daunting, but breaking down the unique benefits of FormaV, vTone, and now Morpheus8V helps illuminate their distinct roles in enhancing feminine wellness.

FormaV leads with a holistic approach to vaginal health, employing gentle radiofrequency energy to rejuvenate both vaginal and labial tissues. This method not only tightens and revitalizes but also promotes increased moisture and sensitivity, offering a rounded solution for rejuvenating the internal and external aspects of feminine wellness. If your goal is to smooth, firm, and refresh, FormaV is your go-to technology.

vTone focuses specifically on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles using electromagnetic energy to induce involuntary contractions. It’s an effortless workout for your pelvic floor, eliminating leaks during laughs or sneezes and enhancing sensation and satisfaction in intimate moments. vTone targets functional improvement with ease.

Morpheus8V introduces a microneedling technology that complements the rejuvenating effects of FormaV and the muscle-toning benefits of vTone. Morpheus8V precisely targets deeper layers of the vaginal tissue, promoting collagen production, and offering further tightening and revitalization. This addition ensures an all-encompassing approach to vaginal wellness, addressing a broad spectrum of concerns from aesthetics to muscular integrity.

Whether you choose one or a combination, FormaV, vTone, and Morpheus8V create a comprehensive solution for vaginal rejuvenation, combining aesthetics with functionality for the ultimate care in feminine wellness.

FormaV: the basics

  • FormaV utilizes radiofrequency energy to gently heat vaginal tissues, stimulating collagen production and enhancing tissue elasticity for internal and external rejuvenation.

  • Yes, FormaV is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment with a strong safety profile, suitable for improving vaginal health without significant risks.

  • Patients typically experience a noticeable improvement in vaginal tightness, moisture, and overall comfort, alongside a reduction in symptoms of discomfort or dryness.

  • Maintaining a schedule of follow-up treatments as advised and following any additional care instructions from your healthcare provider can help sustain and boost the outcomes.

  • For most women, 3 sessions, each lasting about 30 minutes and spaced a month apart, are recommended to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation.

vTone: the basics

  • vTone employs electromagnetic technology to stimulate involuntary pelvic floor muscle contractions, strengthening and toning the muscles similar to an intense workout.

  • Absolutely, vTone is a safe, FDA-approved treatment with minimal to no side effects, designed specifically for pelvic floor rehabilitation.

  • Improved control over urinary incontinence, enhanced muscle tone, and increased sexual satisfaction.

  • Regular follow-up sessions, along with pelvic floor exercises recommended by your provider, can enhance and sustain the benefits.

  • Generally, a series of 6 sessions, each around 30 minutes, is recommended for optimal results.

Morpheus8V: the basics

  • Morpheus8V utilizes advanced microneedling combined with radiofrequency energy to penetrate deep into the vaginal tissues, stimulating collagen production and promoting tissue remodeling. This process enhances the structural integrity and elasticity of the vaginal walls.

  • Yes, Morpheus8V is a safe treatment designed specifically for the delicate vaginal area. It's performed using sterile equipment and by trained professionals, ensuring high safety standards and minimizing the risk of complications.

  • After a Morpheus8V session, you may experience mild discomfort and slight swelling, but these symptoms are temporary. Most women report a noticeable improvement in tightness and sensitivity after the initial healing period.

  • To maximize your results, follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by your clinician, stay hydrated, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding harsh chemicals or treatments in the treated area can also enhance outcomes.

  • The recommended number of Morpheus8V sessions varies based on individual needs but typically ranges from 1 to 3 sessions. Your clinician will tailor a treatment plan to your specific goals and conditions.

    Each Morpheus8V session lasts about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment area's size and the specific concerns being addressed.

  • FormaV

    Rejuvenates vaginal tissue: Utilizes radiofrequency energy to gently heat vaginal tissue, stimulating collagen production and enhancing tissue elasticity.

    Improves vaginal dryness: By promoting blood flow and collagen renewal, FormaV alleviates symptoms of vaginal dryness, enhancing comfort and sexual function.

    Non-surgical labial remodeling: Offers a non-invasive solution for labial remodeling, improving the external appearance and confidence of women.

    Addresses discomfort: Helps reduce discomfort during intercourse, contributing to overall sexual wellness.

    Treats vaginal laxity: Effective in tightening the vaginal canal, which may become lax due to childbirth or aging, improving sensation and sexual satisfaction.

  • vTone

    Strengthens pelvic floor muscles: Employs electromagnetic technology to induce involuntary muscle contractions, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles effectively.

    Combats stress incontinence: By fortifying the pelvic floor, vTone is instrumental in reducing symptoms of urinary stress incontinence, offering increased control and confidence.

    Enhances muscle tone: Restores and enhances the tone of the vaginal muscles, improving overall pelvic health.

    Non-invasive: A completely non-surgical approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation, avoiding the discomfort and downtime associated with invasive procedures.

    Improves vaginal tightness: Contributes to a feeling of increased tightness and vitality, enhancing both physical comfort and sexual wellness.

  • Morpheus8V

    Revitalizes vaginal tissue: Morpheus8V utilizes RF energy combined with microneedling to rejuvenate vaginal tissue by stimulating collagen production, enhancing tissue elasticity and structure.

    Improves vaginal dryness: By promoting the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues, it can help symptoms of vaginal dryness, providing more comfort and reducing irritation.

    Enhances sensitivity: The treatment encourages blood flow and nerve sensitivity in the vaginal area, improving sexual satisfaction and sensation.

    Minimally invasive: An alternative to traditional surgical methods, with minimal discomfort and downtime.

    Customizable treatment depth: Morpheus8V's technology allows for adjustable depth settings, ensuring that the treatment is precisely tailored to meet individual needs.

The Ultimate Guide to EmpowerRF:

Non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation for women’s intimate wellness and health

EmpowerRF at Core Aesthetic introduces a revolutionary approach to vaginal rejuvenation, combining FormaV, vTone, and Morpheus8V technologies to optimize women's wellness without interrupting your lifestyle.

So how does this work? What is your process?

  • Before the Appointment: Avoid using any irritating skincare products in the treatment area. Ensure the area is clean, without lotions or creams.

    Preparation: Wear comfortable clothing and arrive with the treatment area easily accessible.

    During the Appointment: You will experience a warming sensation as the radiofrequency energy is applied. The procedure is generally relaxing and painless.

    Pain: FormaV treatments involve minimal discomfort, with most patients reporting a warm sensation during the session.

    After the Appointment: You can resume normal activities immediately. Some mild redness or swelling may occur but will subside quickly. Hydrate well and avoid high heat exposure like saunas.

  • Before the Appointment: Ensure you have a full bladder before the treatment to better facilitate the electromagnetic energy's effect on the pelvic floor muscles.

    Preparation: Comfort is key; wear loose-fitting clothes to your appointment.

    During the Appointment: You'll experience involuntary muscle contractions as the device stimulates your pelvic floor muscles, similar to an intense pelvic workout.

    Pain: vTone treatments are typically pain-free, though you might feel unusual due to the muscle contractions.

    After the Appointment: Normal activities can be resumed immediately with no downtime. You may feel as though you've had a rigorous pelvic workout, with a temporary increase in muscle tone.

  • Before the Appointment: Refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medications and hydrate well. Consult with your clinician if pre-treatment with antiviral medication is necessary, especially if you have a history of herpes simplex virus.

    Preparation: Come to your appointment with clean skin, free of lotions or makeup. Discuss any concerns or specific areas you'd like to address with your clinician.

    During the Appointment: The device uses microneedles to deliver radiofrequency energy into the tissue, which might cause a slight discomfort but is generally well-tolerated with topical anesthetic.

    Pain: The treatment involves some discomfort due to the microneedling process, but topical anesthetics are used to minimize this.

    After the Appointment: Expect some redness and possible swelling, which should subside within a few days. Avoid direct sunlight and follow a gentle skincare routine to support healing. Results improve over time as collagen production increases.

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About the latest in vaginal rejuvenation & EmpowerRF by InMode!